Saturday, November 5, 2011

L to the 3rd power + D

I no longer feel sadness. Both sadness and its partner anger gone. I am the L triplets: Light, Love, Laughter. The Trio. Of course, they condense and expand according to the level of fatigue. I know fatigue. Fatigue is Death and I am Mister D also. I am Death. An unusual claim. Most everyone wants to be the L triplets. Death is seen as Enemy. No, no. Each of us is Death. You know what Death is? Extreme fatigue. Hahahaha!

The formula of my being is L to the 3rd power + D. I am Death and Light and Love and Laughter. Let me put Mister D in the midst there. Sometimes he feels so all alone. I am Light and Love and Death and Laughter. There. A little better. Light and Love and Extreme Fatigue and Laughter.

Light and Love and Laughter are not of the body. Extreme fatigue is of the body. Death, Mister Extreme Fatigue, is of the body. When the body gives way to total fatigue, there goes Mister Death. Light and Love and Laughter go on their way. So love the Dude up while you have him. He has a hard time. Give him the company of the Light, Love, Laughter you are. He won't be with you long. He has a death to die. You might even miss the Old Coot.


  1. Death=Extreme Fatigue Very Very Funny...LMFAO !!!!

  2. Unlike many people, you've clearly conquered the Fear of Mister Death ... welcoming him as you do and giving him a band of bright brothers so he won't be lonely. That's a profound thought, George. Thank you!

  3. I bow with gratitude to Mr L.L.D.L
