Sunday, November 20, 2011

"fastened to a dying animal"

Carl Jung points out that it is as neurotically unhealthy for us as we age to not confront and engage death as it is for younger folk to not confront and engage life. In younger years we spew our sperm and release our eggs at the physical, social, and psychic levels and nurture our progeny. In later years, we face our dissolution (we are dissolving) and realize as Yeats said that we are "fastened to a dying animal."

In this age of scientific materialism and ratio-nal consciousness, with all that is not picked up by the physical senses viewed as nonexistent hogwash, one is expected to simply be stoic and of reasonably good humor about this. One assumes the yogic position of bending around and kissing one's butt goodbye. And that's that.

I can see the value in that kind of attitude but as I age (73 now) see that yogic stance as an abortive process. Something is being born here, here in these geezer years.

I have always been a phenomenologist, accepting and owning my experience rather than some societal creed, or being swept away by the latest fashion of ratio-emotional logic. My geezer experience is that I feel like an egg in an incubation chamber, like a philosopher's stone in an alchemical furnace.

I find dying to be an amazing process. (Make no mistake about it. If you are over 50, you are dying.) I watch myself dissolve. It is a great adventure, perhaps the greatest of all. I am a seed in the ground of existence/nonexistence, a ground far beyond Wall Street and WalMart, preparing to die as all seeds must in order to be born.


  1. Beautiful George.
    I can totally relate.
    Love the thought of you.

  2. Profound and, in its own way, exciting. Thank you, George.

  3. We are all dieing the moment we are born.... its how we embrace the journey..... the words you wrote are kind and strong...YEs PROfound INdeed the experience to live and the meaning behind being BORN is the JOurney...LIFE..... LIVe for the LOVE OF GOD Live ... seeking knowledge of the Rocks .....I am only a piece of jagged human mist drifting about these rocks & waters Heaven only knows how or wherefor.....Nothing goes unrecorded... every word of leaf and snowflake and particle of dew... as well as earthquake and avalanche, is wirtten down in NAtures BOOK....So shall it be my unconditional surrender to Nature has produced exactly what you have forseen... that drifting without human charts thought light and dark, calm and storm, I have come to so glorious an ocean..... Earth has no sorrow that Earth cannot HEAL... 1872
    Unknown ☀

  4. [S]"he who is not busy being born is busy dying."
    -Bob Dylan
    another bob

  5. This is a wonderful blog. I shall return.

    What i was inspired to look up so I could read again:

    O sages standing in God's holy fire
    As in the gold mosaic of a wall,
    Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
    And be the singing-masters of my soul.
    Consume my heart away; sick with desire
    And fastened to a dying animal
    It knows not what it is; and gather me
    Into the artifice of eternity.

    Dear Yeats. Here with us after all. Thanks.
