Wednesday, November 9, 2011

geezer bench sip rate

Taking a cup of strong black coffee from Late For The Train to Heritage Square and bench sitting on a coolish windy morning (45 degrees or so), you quickly discern that you must find the exact sipping rate to maintain maximum coffee temperature, as decreased coffee volume due to sipping produces a corresponding increase in rate of coffee cooling. In other words, you are faced with the dilemma (caught between two lemmas) of either sipping faster than you wish or sipping at your normal rate and winding up with half a cup of cold coffee. This is one of the problems we geezers face of which mere mortals have no knowing.


  1. George, what are you talking about??!! ha ha ha ha ha

  2. There is also the variable, and further complication, of the coffee cup also working as a hand warmer which can, in fact, slow the rate of coffee cooling. Hold as a bowl and it will prolong your sipping, warm your fingers saving energy for your core, and cool your nerves at the same time.

    -Coffee Clasping Thermostat Control Freak

  3. caught between two lemmas. the hand warmer challenge makes 3 for a tri-lemma.

    the way you play with words is fab!

    these are important ruminations.
    thx, geo.

  4. So many lemmas, what's a geezer to do? Thanks for leaving us with more questions George. Burt G

  5. Ah, the trials of the retired! Ain't it great, George...of course, now that you are "retired" you are much more involved and productive. Here's to the fun, the joy of enjoying! (Only one "lemma" there!)
