Friday, May 20, 2011

listening mindfully to a mindfulness missionary

My end of the conversation: "Yes ma'am, I understand all that zhit. Live in the present, Be here now. Love your nay-ber. Center and open. I am the universe. Yes ma'am. I got it. And I'm walking around taking photos. What's that? I can be fully present while taking my photos? Yes ma'am. I know. And right now I'm being fully present while listening to you telling me to be fully present. Okay. Take care of yourself. Bye. What's that? Nope. Don't need no hug today. Bye. Blessings to you too."


  1. never say no to a hug (((Hugs))) ;-D

  2. How about a virtual one? {{HUG}} : )

  3. (((Hug))) ;-) thanks

  4. They are everywhere ..damn pesky soul savers.
