Thursday, May 12, 2011

"back in my day"

One of the tendencies of geezerhood is to "remember when". For instance, some younger person might say "it cost me $82 to fill my car with gas this morning." A true geezer will automatically respond with "I remember when gas was 12 cents a gallon." (Hmmm . . . when did they remove the cent sign from the keyboard?) Or in similar situations, when bread was 18 cents a loaf, a house with lot was $14,000, and a movie was 10 cents.

The younger person, if raised properly (are people "raised" any more?) will listen politely without comment, but inside they are probably thinking: "That was then; this is now." Never mind that when they are Geezers, they'll be saying to the younger folk: "I remember when gas was $4 a gallon" or, more hopefully, "I remember when vehicles were powered by fossil fuel."

They say the mind can be trained like a puppy. I find that to be true. This old dawg keeps training his mind pup to live in the creative splendor of Now. My day is not back there. This day is my day!


  1. Nothing wrong with memories as long as one can still enjoy living in the Now.

  2. My kids are in horror that I grew up without any video games. I remember when kids went outside and played with leaves and sticks. And it was fun. Guess I'm a geezer, too.

    And I like my old flip phone - who needs a touch screen anyway?!? Yep, definitely a geezer.

  3. I'm only 40 but I already fall into that category of "I remember when..." to my teens. Gas was only 89¢/gallon, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. The local movie theater was $3.50 to $4 a ticket for adults, except for Sunday afternoons... 99¢ for all.

    I must be a Geezer too... hiding my wisdom under my rich brunette mane. 8-D

    And the cent symbol is hidden under the alt/0162 button combo for Windows machines.

  4. Back in my day a gallon of gas and a pack of cigarettes cost about the same: 45 cents. The good news (for my lungs and my pocket book) is I quit my heavy smoking many years ago. The bad news is I'm still a fossil fuel addict. Who would of thought quiting gasoline was harder than kickin' nicotine?

  5. Geez on, George! The next round of Geezers are very close behind!

  6. (Blogger shut down for a "maintenance" and when it re-emerged, previous comments for this posting were no longer here. Tarnation!)
