Tuesday, July 5, 2011


One of the positive aspects of being a geezer is that I care even less about what people think of me. This does not mean I am rude. It means I am unencumbered by such baggage. This baggage includes both praise and blame, both adoration and negation. If I am hooked into praise, that donkey will pull my cart. And its donkey twin, sensitivity to negative criticism, is available and ready to take its place. In fact, it is one donkey, not two -- the praise/blame donkey. As a geezer, I need no donkey to pull my cart. Besides, the structure of my cart is falling away. Its sides and bottom are gone. All that's left is one wheel. And that wheel is spinning along just fine, thank you.


  1. You're Ass Whole

  2. Thank you. As a whole, I take no credit nor blame. As an ass, I take full responsibility.

  3. please remember this one the next time i poke fun at you, oh donkeyless, cartless, mono-wheeled, unencumbered geezerman

  4. Spud Ted, "As an ass, I take full responsibility." "As a whole, I take no credit nor blame."

  5. if you say so
    whatever you say
    i'm an a-ho'
    that's in the way
    no, off the way

  6. I'm appreciative that you are making comments openly instead of in private asides.
