Thursday, February 16, 2017


My son asked me long ago why as people get older they tend to get more religious. As an older person, 79 in a few months, I think I can now more adequately address that question. In my case, it is not so much that I am more religious in the sense of church attendance unless by church is meant the realm of Nature plus the actions of daily life, especially the latter. 

I am more open to the spiritual realm because my mind is less entangled with the affairs of the world. Sure, I know what is going on but am less attached to it. I am making a transition. I can feel my body letting go (though it is a good strong horse and seems to have some years left). 

I am fortunate that my mind has been capacious most of my life. But now that capaciousness is more my abiding place than is the world of daily human sociodrama. I am "in the world but not of the world." It is as if elders share a secret which is a secret only because it cannot be fully shared with younger persons as they flash past on their zip line of life.

I think older people get "more religious" or, in my terms, more spiritual or more capacious, because we are making a transition to other realms. We are shifting energies. We are dying before we die. We are continuing our opening of an awareness that new adventures await.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

an old child

I don't want to be there. I want to be here. Done with the world's demands. Don't want to go take photos. I have taken enough photos. An old child, I like it here. No camera. No snap snap. No seeing anything but here. The world, other people, can go rolling on its way, their way. It does, they do, anyway. I am here, looking at the dry dirt cold back yard. Leafless tree. No birds singing. Just here. Cool wind encasing me. Done with it all. Just here. Content. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

the savage pride of old age

"… the savage pride of old age, which burns but refuses until the death to turn to ashes."
-- Nikos Kazantzakis