I continue getting messages that I am an older person: -- My body tells me so. -- Cars stop for me and let me cross the street. -- Younger folk hold doors open for me. -- Yes, yes, I know. You are as young as you feel and all that jazz. Eternal youth is required. Well, forget that! I am enjoying the graciousness of growing older. Mystery. New outlook. Release. Laughter at the decaying process as I move toward corpse and skeleton. Gone, darling! Gone! Already on the other side while walking here and there.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Willing to endure THE HORROR of my more liberal friends, I walked over to Walmart today (a few miles from my home) and WENT INSIDE! To multiply the horror and potential scorn, I bought the WalMart brand of INSTANT COFFEE.
It has excellent reviews on the web and costs $4.48 cents for 8 oz (a couple hundred cups?) compared to the Starbucks instant coffee I have been drinking costing $8 for 8 servings. Plus Starbucks has all that extra packaging -- a package for each serving plus the main package.
To compound the horror, I went immediately to a chain restaurant and consumed a slab of cherry pie with ice cream. I then walked the long miles home rejoicing.
It has excellent reviews on the web and costs $4.48 cents for 8 oz (a couple hundred cups?) compared to the Starbucks instant coffee I have been drinking costing $8 for 8 servings. Plus Starbucks has all that extra packaging -- a package for each serving plus the main package.
To compound the horror, I went immediately to a chain restaurant and consumed a slab of cherry pie with ice cream. I then walked the long miles home rejoicing.
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